Portugal: Opposition party to table same-sex adoption bill

Portugal’s opposition Socialist party plans to table a bill which would allow same-sex couples to adopt children and access fertility treatment.
The state has recognised same-sex marriage since 2010 – but joint adoption remains restricted to different-sex couples in the country, and there are little provisions for LGBT people who want families.
In addition, lesbian couples are banned from accessing IVF and other fertility treatments, while surrogacy is also banned.
The opposition Socialist Party – which was responsible for introducing same-sex marriage while in government – has confirmed it will submit a bill to Parliament to legalise same-sex adoption.
According to Portugal News Agency, Socialist deputy Isabel Moreira said that the bill is set to be tabled by the party on Thursday, before a debate on the issue this month.
Despite being an opposition measure, it is possible that the bill could pass, if the governing coalition grants MPs a free vote on the issue.
Pedro Filipe Soares of the fringe Left Block party also voiced his support for same-sex adoption, saying: “All studies show that, where there is love and the capacity to bring up these children, their development has nothing to do with the sexual orientation [of parents]”.
Portugal became the eighth in the world to allow equal marriage, back in 2010.