Watch: This pastor gave a hate speech at an anti-hate speech demonstration

A video posted on YouTube shows the moment when an infamous New York pastor chose to serenade pro-LGBT protesters as they demonstrated outside his church.
James David Manning, who has previously claimed that “Starbucks is flavoured with the semen of sodomites,” responded to the anti hate speech rally with bizarre display of hate speech.
Manning first started to sing to the audience, repeating the phrase “Oh, f*ggots, please come out tonight.”
Then he moved on to picking on individual protesters, labelling one woman a “n*gger lesbo.”
The ATLAH church has gained worldwide notoriety thanks to Manning’s outspoken views, having previously called homosexuality “the white people’s disease.”
But the demonstration was held in response to the homophobic signs the church have displayed in Harlem, which have previously read “Obama has released the homo demons on the black man” and “Jesus would stone homos”. In spite of being hit with fines for displaying the signs, the church has not relented.
Over a hundred people attended the ‘love not hate’ demonstration, including State Assemblyman Keith Wright who told the Huffington Post “The messages displayed by the ATLAH church are not reflective of this community, but are grossly offensive hate speech that have no place in the streets of Harlem.
“Today, the truest members of the Harlem community are speaking up and we reject this display of hatred by ATLAH church.”
Manning has previously admitted that he has been “tempted by the homosexual lifestyle” but he is most famous for his outlandish claims that Justin Bieber is transgender and that the real reason the Supreme Court ruled in favour of same-sex marriage because they were “blackmailed” by their secret gay lovers.
He has also said last month that he will be attempting to boycott every LGBT inclusive company in the world. He made the announcement on YouTube, which is owned by LGBT friendly Google.
Watch the demonstration below.