Anti-gay marriage group declares another funding emergency as donations dry up

The anti-gay National Organisation for Marriage has declared a funding crisis for the second time in six months – claiming a critical shortfall in cash comes from being “too successful”.
The National Organisation for Marriage failed to stop same-sex marriage becoming law in all 50 states.
Though the pro-equality Freedom to Marry group confirmed its closure in July following the Supreme Court ruling, NOM is attempting to soldier on – claiming that people will realise the “lie” of same-sex marriage “as they witness the reality of children suffering”.
But the it appears that even for NOM’s shadowy donors, there’s a point where enough is enough – and the group declared a funding emergency in December as it fell short of donation targets.
Less than six months later, the group has this week sounded the alarm again.
In an email urging supporters to bail out the group, President Brian Brown warned: “We have been so successful in mobilizing Americans to stand up for marriage and protect the religious liberty rights of Americans who believe as you and I do that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and now we are dangerously short of funds.
“Unless we can raise additional resources immediately, we will not be able to continue our advocacy in support of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), critical legislation to prevent the Obama administration and federal government from targeting pastors, churches, religious groups and small businesses owned by people of faith.”
He added: “You might think that being too successful is a good problem to have, but it creates an immediate and serious shortfall in our budget.”
So successful you failed to stop equal marriage in all 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico! That’s some success, Brian.
The anti-gay marriage activist also rallied against Hillary Clinton.
He warned: “Can you imagine how bad it will get if, Heaven forbid, Hillary Clinton is elected as president?
“The last few months of the Obama administration will be bad enough, but if Clinton wins she will be indebted to LGBT activists for their support, and you can count on her repaying them by unleashing the power of government to force acceptance of their extreme agenda.”
Last year, NOM was compelled to reveal secret donor information by a court – with its documents showing Catholic groups had secretly been funding its anti-gay marriage campaigns.