16 Tumblr posts which quite accurately sum up life as a queer lady
Tumblr speaks to a lot of us on a daily basis and posts that would be silly to some are very relatable for some of us (queer women).
“Does anybody have the number for the local U-Haul?”
16. When she picks you up for your second date
15. The realisation that Barb from Stranger Things was definitely a lesbian…
14. If a guy tells you he can ‘f**k’ you straight
13. The excitement of spotting another lesbian out in public
12. The message hidden on this board which basically sums everything up
11. When a straight girl thinks you are being nice, but you’re actually flirting with her
10. That time when you thought you got your girlfriend pregnant
9. Or the awful moment when you realise your latest crush is actually straight
Click here to read more. The best is yet to come ? …
8. Lying there waiting for the magic to happen…
7. …before damaging your wrist because you were a little too eager
6. Kate McKinnon – everything about her
5. The danger of discussing your sex life with a straight friend
4. Or when the said friend tells you that lesbian sex ‘isn’t real’
3. When everything suddenly makes sense to your family
2. When you make yourself ill with worry because the girl you’re dating hasn’t replied…
1. And spend the rest of day dreading becoming THAT crazy cat lady
(Photos: Instagram/Tumblr)