The BBC has given this reason for cutting LGBT lyrics from Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’

The BBC has responded to furious Lady Gaga fans after it cut LGBT lyrics from a primetime TV performance.
Viewers were outraged – for the second time – as the BBC has cut LGBT lyrics from Gaga’s song Born This Way.
Stars of The One Show appeared on Let’s Sing & Dance For Comic Relief to sing the inclusive hit, but the lyrics “No matter gay, straight, or bi/Lesbian, transgendered life” were axed from their version.
Now the BBC has tried to offer an explanation for the snub.
They claim it was due to time restraints, but have not explained why they chose the LGBT section of the song for removal over other verses.
The broadcaster said in an official statement: “‘Born This Way’ by Lady Gaga performed by ‘The One Show’ reporters on ‘Let’s Sing And Dance For Comic Relief’ was shortened purely for length.
“It is standard procedure to edit down music tracks to fit into the running time of show.”
“Don’t be a drag, just be a queen” was the only LGBT related lyric that remained in the BBc version of the song.
People who watched the show took to Twitter to complain again, after the BBC was criticised last month for doing the same thing on the show Let It Shine.
One user wrote: “Weeks after the BBC are slammed for cutting the gay lyrics in Born This Way, they… cut the gay lyrics in Born This Way #LetsSingAndDance”.
Another viewer added: “Not gay but disgusted with @BBC @comicrelief What kind of message does this send LGBTQ young people? #LetsSingAndDance”.
“Cutting out the LGBT lyrics of Born This Way are you BBC?” summed up another.
The broadcaster faced accusations of censoring LGBT-related lyrics from the song on contest show Let It Shine when band Iron Sun performed the rendition in the semi-finals.
The version of the song performed by the wanna-be boyband omitted the lines “No matter gay, straight, or bi, lesbian, transgender life. I’m on the right track baby. I was born to survive”.
Lady Gaga is due to appear on the new RuPaul series.