Leaflet claims equal marriage will lead to gay teachers ‘grooming’ children

An anti-gay marriage leaflet in Australia claims that equal marriage will lead to children being “groomed” into the gay lifestyle.
The claim comes from an anonymous leaflet that was distributed in Canberra, reported in the Canberra Times.
The leaflet encourages voters to oppose equal marriage in the postal vote on the issue that is currently underway.
It raises fears that equal marriage will lead to gay teachers “grooming” children to explore homosexuality.
The leaflet claims: “Do you value the future of your children and grandchildren?
“Do you wish for teachers who promote education as a priority rather than gender exploration?
“How would you feel if a 12-year-old child was asked to role-play being homosexual because the Safe Schools anti-bullying program has been hijacked by certain teachers who want to groom our most vulnerable to explore being gay or lesbian?”
It adds: “If homosexuals feel the marriage act should be changed, why are there gay websites such as ‘Grindr’?
“This website actively promotes gay men meet for CASUAL SEX. How does this teach respect and morals for our children?”
Grindr is for over-18s.
Australia’s right-wing Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is currently holding a country-wide advisory postal vote on whether same-sex marriage should be permitted.
As the vote got underway, anti-LGBT activists have begun a divisive campaign based on tactics developed by evangelicals in the US, attempting to conflate the marriage vote with transgender issues and LGBT sex education.
The ‘No’ camp has received broad coverage throughout the Australian media with warnings about ‘transgender marriage’ – even though the vote has no impact on transgender issues – and claiming without basis that it will lead to ‘radical gay sex education’.
In a release last week, the Australian Family Association took the claims to a bizarre extreme – using their falsehoods to try and convince lesbians to vote against equal marriage.
The group asks: “Is this the sort of ‘equality’ Australians want to impose on women and lesbians?”
A new poll this week showed that their scaremongering is beginning to pay off, with a sharp drop in support for equal marriage.