Christian pastor says only ‘pansies’ wash their hands in bizarre rant over coronavirus

Jonathan Shuttlesworth (Twitter)
A right-wing pastor has said that only “pansies” wash their hands in response to the coronavirus and said churches that have shut down have “no balls”.
There have been many, many bizarre takes from right-wing preachers, pastors and religious figures since the coronavirus started to spread across Europe. But televangelist Jonathan Shuttlesworth’s outrageous rant has to be one of the worst of them all.
The pastor, who co-founded Revival Today TV, said a “bunch of sissies” were behind the closure of a number of churches in Europe.
“Shame on every European full gospel church, bunch of sissies, that shut down during this thing,” he said, according to LGBTQ Nation.
The anti-LGBT+ pastor slammed churches for listening to scientists and trying to stem the spread of coronavirus.
Jonathan Shuttlesworth slammed churches – which are mostly Catholic – for bowing down to science and either closing or restricting the use of holy water.
“Catholic Church not having holy water in the lobby – how holy is the water then?” he said.
“That should be a sign to you that your whole religion’s a fraud. Any faith that doesn’t work in real life is a fake faith. Totally fake.”
You’re a loser. Bunch of pansies. No balls. Got neutered somewhere along the line and don’t even realise it.
He went on to criticise religious people for spreading information on how to combat the coronavirus, because obviously he knows best.
“If you’re putting out pamphlets and telling everybody to use Purell [hand sanitiser] before they come into the sanctuary and don’t greet anyone, you should just turn in your ministry credentials and burn your church down – turn it into a casino or something,” he said
He hit out at church leaders who are trying to stop the pandemic as a ‘bunch of pansies’.
“You’re a loser. Bunch of pansies. No balls. Got neutered somewhere along the line and don’t even realise it.”
Jonathan Shuttlesworth went on to claim that “the devil doesn’t want there to be mass gatherings” and said this is as good a reason as any to let large crowds congregate.
“If I lived in Italy I would call an open-air crusade to pray for the sick. If you have to go to jail, go to jail,” he said.
Unsurprisingly, Shuttlesworth and many other religious anti-LGBT+ folk are finding a way to blame the coronavirus pandemic on the LGBT+ community.
Earlier this week, an anti-LGBT+ rabbi in Israel blamed the coronavirus outbreak on the existence of Pride parades. Shortly before that, a pastor blamed it on LGBT+ sin.