Hilarious ‘steakhouse or gay bar’ viral quiz takes the internet by storm

A business called “Longhorn” could very well be a gay bar, to be fair (Getty/Wikimedia Commons)
The golden age of internet quizzes may be behind us, but a new viral online game called “Steakhouse or Gay Bar?” has proved that they’re certainly not dead yet.
Admit it, it’s been a while since you last clicked on something with a title along the lines of “Answer These 12 Questions About Cheese And We’ll Tell You Which Kardashian You Are”, but despite that online quiz site Sporcle is still going strong.
Sporcle allows users to create their own online quizzes, and one user – @DerekIRoode – has done that to great effect by making a game where you have to decide whether any given US business is a steakhouse or a gay bar just from the name alone. No photo of the storefront, no other clues – just the name.
If you think that sounds easy, you’re wrong. Despite originally being created way back in 2017, based on an old internet joke that dates back far earlier, the quiz recently resurfaced and went viral on social media, partially because of how difficult it is.
After all, it’s tricky to figure out if a company called Meat Rack sell burgers, or if it’s an all male nude bar. The same goes for The Sausage Factory. Big Dick’s Meaty Beef Market? Who knows.
X account @DCHomos shared a link to the quiz on Wednesday (15 October), writing: “Yall there’s a quiz called Gay Bar or Steakhouse lol Some of these might be in your city! I got a 64%! Drop your score!”
Take, for example, the business name Juicy Lucy’s. Surely that must be a gay bar, right? Wrong. It’s actually a steakhouse in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.
OK, what about The Wrangler? There’s a pretty clear link to cowboys there, so that must, surely, be a steakhouse?
Nope, it’s actually a gay bar. Or at least it was. The Wrangler in Denver sadly closed down in 2018.
You’d also be forgiven for thinking a business called Envy was a gay bar or club, after all it certainly sounds like a swinging nightspot. However, it’s actually (you guessed it!) a steakhouse in Las Vegas.
Also, The Brazen Head might sound like something a lot of us might do in a doorway after a night out at 3am, but it’s actually a steakhouse. Yes, really.
You get the idea so we won’t spoil any more of the answers for you. There are 44 questions all together though, so even with the information we’ve provided above it’s certainly not an easy challenge.
You can try your hand at the quiz here. What score did you end up getting? Let us know in the comments, but please remember to keep the conversation respectful.
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