Campaign aims to raise funds for custody battle over trans boy

A campaign has been started to raise money towards a lawsuit to allow a woman to keep custody of her trans son.
The campaign was started by the grandmother of the boy, Jake, who says his father initiated the custody battle “solely because she supports her child’s self-proclaimed gender,” and that his father intends to make him go to school “as a girl”.
Grandmother Beth, states that Jake’s mother can’t afford the attorney bills on her own, and that without help, she will lose custody.
The page states: “Right now, Jake goes to school and is treated just like any other first grade boy. His teachers and friends are 100% supportive, everyone calls him by his chosen name and I’ve never seen him happier. If my daughter loses this legal battle all of that will change. Once Jake’s father gets full parenting rights, he will force my grandson to go to school as a girl—or as Jake calls it, as ‘his false self.'”
The campaign has so far raised just over $7,000 of a $19,000 (£11,000) goal.
According to the page, Jake has lived with the support of his family as a boy for over a year, and that he had “thrived”.