This Orange is the New Black star wants to scrap the term ‘LGBT’

An Orange is the new Black star has spoken out about LGBT, saying the term should be scrapped in favour of just the use of “queer”.
Lea Delaria spoke to PrideSource to explain why she decided to pull out of the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival in 2014 over an anti-trans policy.
She says that the reason she cancelled was to promote togetherness.
“This is the biggest issue we have in the queer community to date and will continue to be the biggest issue until we learn to accept our differences, and that’s the issue,” says Delaria.
“And part of me believes that this inclusivity of calling us the LGBTQQTY-whatever-LMNOP tends to stress our differences. And that’s why I refuse to do it. I say queer. Queer is everybody.”
The star was earlier this month taken aback by the abundance of attractive Israeli women.
DeLaria has previously spoken honestly about her body and upbringing.
She joined YouTube’s StyleLikeU to tell her empowering journey of self-acceptance – from Catholic school to stand-up comedy.
DeLaria has no shame when it comes to her sexuality especially when it comes to being butch: “My entire life has been trying to put a positive spin on what it is to be butch.”
The star has complained that butch lesbians have been “ostracised”, adding: “Butches have a shared life experience, and you saw all of it in Boo’s backstory.
“My own community ostracizes me and thinks of Nelly Fags and Butch Lesbians as sort of the pariahs of the community.”
Back in 2014, DeLaria also stood up to a man who was preaching anti-gay hate on a New York City subway.
The actress was captured by footage obtained by TMZ firing back at the man preaching against the “sin of homosexuality.”