Radio host: Anderson Cooper is undercover CIA agent who will rig debate against Trump

Anderson Cooper (Nicholas Hunt/Getty)
Radio host Alex Jones has claimed that out CNN reporter Anderson Cooper is actually a CIA agent and will “rig” the upcoming Presidential debate against Donald Trump.
Mr Cooper will moderate the second Presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on October 9, alongside Martha Raddatz of ABC News.
His selection marks the first time that an openly gay moderator has been selected for an official presidential debate.
However, Mr Cooper has come under fire from Republicans after Trump alleged that Cooper is “biased” against him.
Trump fumed last month: “I don’t think Anderson Cooper should be a moderator, because Anderson Cooper works for CNN. He’ll be very biased, very biased. I don’t think he should be a moderator.”
One Trump-backing radio host has taken it even further, by claiming that Cooper is a CIA plant.
Alex Jones of InfoWars insisted: “The fix is in at every level. It’s rigged. This is about the rigged system imploding.
“This is history happening and so I am desperate. I know Trump’s ahead, I know he’s winning, I know they’re going to pull out every stop.
“They’ve got CIA Anderson Cooper running the next debate. He’s admittedly CIA. And so we are storming the Bastille peacefully with 21st century warfare, which is information warfare.”
Mr Cooper previously revealed he had a summer job at the CIA offices – aged 19.
The news anchor recently revealed that he takes impartiality so seriously that doesn’t even cast a vote in the election.
He told Howard Stern: “I don’t think I’m going to vote… I don’t think reporters should vote.”
He continued: “A lot of reporters don’t vote. It’s a thing.
“I’ve had the debate. There have been years where I have voted because sometimes I thought maybe I should.
“I’ve gone back and forth on it. I don’t want to be influenced one way or the other.”
He continued: “I believe people should vote, but my role is to ask questions.
“I don’t like feeling like I’ve taken a stand. I think it’s something you actively need to fight against [as a reporter].”