Peegasms are now a thing – but they’re dangerous

Orgasms are great, obviously – but have you ever had a peegasm?

As it turns out, you probably shouldn’t. People have been opening up about the latest trend in sexual adventures, but health professionals have warned that it could be dangerous.

After the seasonal popularity of ‘summer penis’ – a phenomenon in which the penis reaches its true size potential in the heat because of increased blood flow – there’s a new kink sweeping the internet.

The trend was popularised by a Reddit user who wrote: “my girlfriend recently told me if she’s had to hold her pee in for a while, when she actually goes to pee, she often has orgasms that she feels all the way up her spine to her head.

“If she does ‘reverse kegels’ while peeing, they’re even more likely to happen,” they added in the sex subreddit post.

“She said these orgasms sometimes leave her lightheaded and off balance, and are pretty different from her clit or vaginal orgasms. Apart from being super jealous, I was curious if anyone else has had this sort of thing happen?”

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Others responded with similar stories, with one person saying: “I call them the piss shivers because they’re not quite orgasmic in my opinion but close enough.”

Another wrote: “Uh yep. At first I had no idea what the f**k they were, but I talked to a handful of close friends who had heard of or experienced similar.

“I don’t try for them often, they mostly come on accident, but a beautiful accident at that. It normally helps if I’ve been a little horny to begin with and holding it for long periods of time.”

“I get something similar, but it’s not exactly an orgasm, just a really, really pleasurable feeling,” wrote someone else who has experienced the sensation.

“I can do it by letting go for a split second and holding it in. It feels so good that I start tearing up. Then, when I finally do go pee, I get these delicious full body shivers.”

Another person even admitted: “Every time I have to pee super bad and I am with a friend or my SO, I always say ‘Sorry, be right back. I gotta go bust a nut.'”

In general, people seemed happy to know that they weren’t alone in enjoying a desperate pee or two.

“I’m so glad this isn’t just me!!” wrote one such Redditor.

“This has been happening to me for a couple of months and I always thought it was just because I was holding it in for too long.

“It’s never really similar to the orgasms I’m used to, definitely different. But I feel it through my entire body.”

But while it’s wonderful that people are bonding over their similar sexual quirk, experts have said following the trend will make it more likely you’ll contract a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Dr Tayyaba Ahmed, who specialises in pelvic pain, has written on Instagram that while she doesn’t want to judge people for their proclivities, “holding pee is not in your bladder’s best interest.

“The bladder is an organ that holds urine until it’s ready to be excreted,” the New York City doctor explained.

“When your bladder is about half full, it activates the nerves in your bladder. These nerves signal your brain to give you the urge to urinate. The brain then signals the bladder to hold on until it’s time to urinate.

“Holding your pee involves consciously fighting this signal to urinate. Hopefully you can see why doing that would cross some ‘wires.'”

She added that “intentionally doing this could make it much worse or contribute to urinary dysfunctions such as urinary urgency, frequency and retention.

“As you can see a lot goes into making the bladder work properly and getting it to work the way it should take a lot of training.

“As you have probably heard, holding your urine for too long can cause urinary tract infections.”

Dr Ahmed continued: “This is more common in women as they have a shorter urethra than males. So ladies keep the area clean, and empty those bladders every three hours.

“You should wait for the 2nd or 3rd urge so your bladder has a chance to fill and appropriately train your bladder to trigger the correct signal!”

There you have it, then: the longer you deny your bladder a release, the more likely you are to get a UTI.

Earlier this year, it was revealed that people have been lying about their penis size for decades – but only because measuring yourself leads to an inaccurate result.

A study last year showed where you can find the biggest penises – on average – in Britain.

But another study published in March showed that women who have sex with women orgasm much, much more.

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