Boris upset at Elton’s support for rival

The Tory candidate for Mayor of London has revealed that he is on Sir Elton John’s Christmas card list and was shocked and disappointed when the star gave his backing to Lib Dem hopeful Brian Paddick.
The Conservative, who has the dubious honour of being backed by nightclub owner Peter Stringfellow, told LBC radio this morning that he hopes to recruit troubled singer Amy Winehouse to his campaign.
Last week Sir Elton and his partner David Furnish hosted a dinner where they introduced Mr Paddick to potential donors to his campaign.
“I’m very disappointed by this, by the way, because Elton and David Furnish send us a Christmas card every year,” Mr Johnson said on LBC this morning.
“I couldn’t believe it when he suddenly announced that he was backing ex-commander Paddick.
“I couldn’t believe it. Anyway, there you go. Elton and I are going to have to see what’s going on.”
Speaking to last week, Mr Paddick said:
“I have been friends with Elton and David for many years and I am so grateful to them for supporting me in this way.
“Elton, David and their friends really engaged with the discussion about how they could support my campaign and what was the best way forward.
“We were very pleased with the way the evening went.”
Londoners will go to the polls in the Mayoral election on May 1st.
Incumbent Ken Livingstone is standing as the Labour candidate.