Terrence Higgins Trust urge Pride revellers to ‘Get it on’

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HIV and sexual health charity Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) will be distributing 50,000 condom packs to revellers at this year’s London Pride event, due to be held on Saturday 5th July.

ā€˜Get it onā€™ is THT’s theme at Pride this year and the charity will be giving out lots of limited edition ā€˜Get it Onā€™ goodies ā€“ including T-shirts, travel card holders and temporary tattoos.

The ā€˜Get it Onā€™ campaign promotes condom use to gay and bisexual men and gives information on how to make condoms work for you, including how to choose the right condom and lube.

At the Pride walking parade, THT will be taking to the streets in style with a 20 piece samba band from 1pm ā€“ 4pm giving out ā€˜Get it Onā€™ goodies.

THT will also be out in force at the street party in Soho, giving out 50,000 ‘Get it On’ condom and lube packs to revellers.

Marc Thompson, Deputy Head of Health Promotion at Terrence Higgins Trust says:

“Pride always brings lots of gay men into London and is a time when lots of guys are out to have fun and to have sex.

“ā€˜Get it Onā€™ is here to remind men about condoms and to help men to use condoms properly.”

Marc adds: “This year’s Pride is especially important for THT as it comes at the end of THT’s 25th anniversary year. THT will be marking the event with a large presence on the streets of central London – we’d love you to come and take part in our celebrations and ā€˜Get it On.ā€™”

THT staff and volunteers will be distributing the ā€˜Get it Onā€™ condom packs on the streets of central London whilst Pride is on.

THTs ā€˜Get it Onā€™ condom packs will also be available at various gay bars across London in the run up to Pride.

In a recent interview with PinkNews.co.uk, Lisa Power, head of policy at THT said:

“It’s vital we have a good sex education for young people, whether they are gay or straight,

“We have identified particular problems with people making assumptions that if the other person doesn’t say they want to use condoms they must be HIV negative, whereas the people who do want to use a condom must be HIV positive.

“We have problems with people who are serial risk takers.

“They take a risk now and again, and they think “oh mustn’t do that again”, but every now and then they get drunk, or they think “oh I can’t find the condoms never mind it’s only once.”

The ā€˜Get it Onā€™ packs are in addition to the condoms provided through the Freedoms free bar distribution scheme delivered by Camden PCT.

To find out more about ā€˜Get it Onā€™ visit: www.chapsonline.org.uk/getiton