US survey finds almost a third of trans respondents have considered suicide

A study has found that almost a third of trans respondents have seriously considered committing suicide in the last year.
The research, commissioned by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, found that 31 per cent of trans respondents said they had considered attempting suicide in the past year, compared to just two percent for heterosexuals, four per cent for gays and lesbians and seven per cent for bisexuals.
The survey’s authors admitted that as the sample was self-selecting, it did not represent the general population. However, they added that it was the largest survey on LGBT health issues to date in Massachusetts.
A total of 1,598 surveys were completed, of which 52 were submitted by trans people.
Another issue for trans people was domestic violence. Of those surveyed, 34.6 per cent said they had been threatened with violence by a partner. This compared to 12.3 per cent of heterosexuals and 14 per cent of gays and lesbians.
Although such surveys generally find poorer health among LGBT people, bisexuals were found to be particularly at risk from issues such as smoking, drinking, asthma and suicidal thoughts.
To read the study, click here