Bisexual man with two penises releases tell-all memoir

A man who became an internet sensation because he has two penises has released a tell-all autobiography.
The man – who goes by the name ‘DoubleD**kDude’ (DDD) – spent six hours answering questions on Reddit about his condition a year ago, rising to the top of the internet hub.
In the Q&A session he revealed that he is bisexual and in a relationship with a couple, one male and one female.
This month, the internet legend has released his own memoir, ‘Double Header: My Life with Two Penises’.
A statement said: “DDD goes from discussing his childhood, and explains how he knew he was special at an early age. His parents support grounded him in his early youth. We find out how he lost his virginity and was exposed to his peers.
“From there he discusses his wild streak of sexual adventures fresh out of high school. Recapping his favourite questions and answers, discussing sexuality and acceptance DDD covers the gamut.”
He also opens up about his battle with homophobia, writing: “When my buddy tried to save me from persecution we became ‘faggots’.
“I went from being the cool taboo dude with two dicks, to the queer with two dicks. In one fell swoop he gave them another, more accepted target. Sexuality.
“It was more fun to call us homos than it was to focus on something that made me (in the high school mentality) superior to them.”
Should you wish to buy the book, it’s available on Amazon UK and Amazon US.