Scottish Tory leader debuts broadcast featuring same-sex partner

Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson has released a broadcast for the party featuring her same-sex partner.
The move has been seen as an attempt to dispel voter stereotypes of the party, as it features her partner, as well as her parents, and is titled ‘Join the Conservative Family’.
The broadcast showed Davidson walking along with her partner Jen Wilson at the Elie harbour in Fife. They are also shown laughing and drinking together in a pub in the village of Lower Largo.
Davidson says she is “unashamed and unembarrassed to believe in family”, as Wilson takes a selfie of the couple and Davidson’s parents.
The 36-year-old Tory leader goes on to say: “Forget what other people have told you about the Conservative Party”, and says the party supports personal choice and responsibility.
Davidson had previously guarded her privacy, not allowing others to know details about Jen Wilson.
Later in the video, she says: “All through school and university, I always had jobs washing dishes and waiting tables.
“I went to my local school in Buckhaven and we were never particularly near the top of the league table. We were always pretty close to the bottom when it came to exams.”
She adds: “There’s a myth that the Conservatives are just about the people who have already made it in life. We’re not – we’re about people who want to make it in life, who want to get on, let their children have a better quality of life than they had. And there is nothing more natural in the world than that.”
The broadcast is available to view below