Powerful advert highlights shocking reality of legal anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination in the US

‘American Dreams’ is the latest advert in the Ad Council’s Love Has No Labels campaign. (YouTube/Ad Council)
The Advertising Council has launched a new advert as part of its pro-LGBTQ+ campaign, highlighting legal anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination laws in the US.
The council launched “Love Has No Labels” on Wednesday (14 August), which aims to create a more inclusive and accepting society in the face of discrimination against the queer community.
The US not-for-profit organisation, which produces and distributes public service announcements on behalf of various sponsors, has named its latest effort “American Dreams”.
In the 60-second clip, several families are shown living happily together before a door slams shut and a black screen breaks the dream imagery, bringing up text revealing the shocking statistics that affect queer people.

“American reality: in over 50 per cent of US states, you could be legally denied housing if you’re LGBTQ+,” the text reads, before headshots of various members of the community are shown.
“We all deserve a place to call home. That’s an American dream,” they say before the advert links to its website, lovehasnolabels.com, where further facts can be found.
The latest advert highlights the fact that 28 US states currently lack laws to protect the LGBTQ+ community from being denied housing. Last year, a lesbian couple told PinkNews about being left “shocked, fearful and anxious” after being told to “get out” by a Christian landlord while viewing an apartment.
In addition, research showed that 50 per cent of LGBTQ+ Americans have been harassed, fired or denied a promotion at work due because of their identity.
Ad Council president and chief executive Lisa Sherman said: “No one should face discrimination because of who they are. This new campaign was designed to empower individuals across the country to see the inequities impacting so many.
“LGBTQ+ people [should] have the opportunity to pursue their dreams.”
Since the campaign’s initial launch in 2015, its announcements have been viewed by more than 430 million people.
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