New series exposes the level of drug use in London clubs

A New TV series called ‘Wasted’, which is due to air on Current TV next week, will expose the ways in which drugs and alcohol are used and abused by young people today.
Coinciding with Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, ‘Wasted’ is a seven part series that will examine popular drugs cocaine, GHB and Ketamine, and take a look at the disturbing realism of how the industry continues to flourish.
Going behind the scenes the show highlights underground drug trends and drugs that have as yet evaded mainstream exposure.
‘Wasted’ follows the addicts as they face their cold turkey, and displays the unexpected ingredients in the manufacturing process behind one of the most popular and glamorous drugs in syndication.
The Gay Men’s Sex Survey (2005) showed that drug use is extremely widespread amongst gay men. More recently, a report by from the Metropolitan Police Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Group showed that drug and alcohol abuse is more prevalent among gay men than the rest of the population.
Bob Hodgson, Co-Chair of the LGBT AG, said:
“In the last couple of years over ten deaths in London have been linked to drug overdose or alcohol misuse in the LGBT community, we cannot just continue to think one size fits all for drug and alcohol response, it is time that the specific needs of the LGBT community are addressed.”
The Terrence Higgins Trust launched its recent “Drugfucked” campaign in a bid to provide support and information to gay men about drugs, HIV and sex.
Marc Thompson, Acting Deputy Head of Health Promotion at The Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) said: “It’s a fact that many gay men take drugs so we wanted to provide information that gives the facts as clearly as possible.”
Just last month a man in his thirties died and two others were admitted to hospital after taking what is believed to be ecstasy.
Last year BBC Radio 1 presenter Kevin Greening died as a result of an overdose of ecstasy and cocaine.
Jay Evans, who has set up the site, has been trying to inform clubbers on the dangers of taking Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB) and wants legal drug Gamma Butyrolactone (GBL) to be banned.
Though GHB is a Class C drug, GBL is still legal. However, when ingested it produces GHB in the body.
It is easily obtainable via websites and its use has increased amongst gay clubbers.
“GHB or GBL is very common on the gay club circuit, especially in London,” Mr Evans said.
“I got involved with the substance believing it was less dangerous than any other.
“I was taking ‘G’ for many months and the high was like no other. I started to realise soon that the stresses and strains of life seemed much easier and I started to use the substance more – several times daily.
“Before I knew what had happened I was addicted.
“It wasn’t until several months had passed that I realised I had started to lose my friends. I was starting to go out of the house less, only leaving to shop and go clubbing. G really had taken over my life.”
Current TV is an Emmy award winning independent media company led by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and businessman Joel Hyatt.
The cable television network went on the air in the US on the morning of August 1, 2005. In the United Kingdom and Ireland it started its operation March 12, 2007 for Sky and Virgin Media subscribers.
Current TV covers topics that have been flagged as interesting by viewers, it has featured a number of stories from the website.
‘Wasted’ will be shown on Current TV every night at 9pm from Monday 29th- Sunday 29th June.
Current TV is available on Sky Channel 195 and Virgin Media Channel 155
For more information visit