This gay couple had their dog as ringbearer at their wedding (VIDEO)

A gay couple has enlisted a slightly strange choice as ringbearer at their wedding.
Rich Endean and Rick Evans married at the Summerhill Bowling Club in Newcastle upon Tyne.
But their dog Elvis actually took centre stage.
The couple produced a short video featuring Elvis arriving at the wedding venue after a little adventure through the city.
They also used the opportunity to raise funds for the Brysons Animal Shelter in Gateshead, where they adopted Elvis.
Rich says: “We wanted the ceremony to both be serious and fun. Neither of us wanted to make a ‘grand entrance’, so we decided Elvis should have that honour, and that’s where it all started.”
The couple added of Elvis’s Facebook page: “We adopted him 5 years ago when he was 18 months, he was a bit of a teenage tearaway but he’s calmed down a lot since then. Everyone he meets loves him.”
“We set up his Facebook page not long after he came to live with us. Mostly because our friends were sick of seeing photos of him on our own timelines. We thought it would probably be just our Mums that would follow him but it kind of took off to the point that people stop us in the street quite often now asking “Is that Elvis?”. He’s clearly more popular than we are!”
“He has no idea how popular he is. He just enjoys being a dog and doing dog stuff with his dog mates.”
Of Brysons, they said: “Because Brysons are a small independent shelter, they don’t have the fundraising resources of the likes of the bigger animal charities. And we’ll be forever indebted to them for bringing Elvis into our lives, so we like to try and help out where we can and we thought using the video was a great way to get the word out about the great work they do in matching the right animals to the right people.”
“This video’s had 22k views in less than 24 hours, and we’ve raised over £300 so far, we’re not quite sure how we’re going to top that one, but we’ll try and come up with something. We also found one of his brothers via his Facebook page, so maybe they can do a collab together!”
Elvis even brought the rings down the aisle to the couple, and made it onto the cake topper as a figurine.
Check out the video below:
It has been viewed nearly 50,000 times.
Congrats to Rich and Rick, and of course Elvis.