Dating app for trans people Transdr launches

Although progressive strides have been made, there’s still a lot to be desired when it comes to trans dating apps.
Although Tinder, Grindr and OkCupid allow users to list their identity as transgender, as a trans man, trans woman, and gender queer, there has not been an explicitly trans dating app space to date.
Cue Transdr, a new transgender dating app for the community.
“According to Google keywords planner, there are many people searching keywords like “craigslist t4m” and “craigslist ts” every month. And when spaces such as Craigslist’s personals section, Backpage and Hungangels’ forum have closed, it has forced some trans people to find new spaces to meet other trans people,” said Transdr founder Sean Kennedy to PinkNews.
“We feel like trans people were treated unfairly on Tinder from time to time. There should be an app knowing about them well and making them feel comfortable. Our team has a trans person who is dedicated to product and marketing. We will make Transdr transgender friendly with his help,” he added.
“We have launched Transdr in English speaking countries. It will be available worldwide when we our Android version is online. We hope Transdr can become the Tinder for trans people. Also, we will develop some social features so that trans people can not only find love but also make friends on Transdr,” he added.
However, the app has come under fire for the selection of words it uses to describe trans people or trans-adjacent members of the community.
One description on the app’s website uses the word ‘shemale’ to describe members of the community.
“Oh a trans dating app? Cool cool I wonder if the creator is actually trans… oh no who could have seen this coming ♀️,” wrote one Twitter user.
To date, the app has 6,200 users in total.