Troye Sivan shares hilarious story of being catfished by a fake Greta Thunberg

Troye Sivan was pranked by Russian hackers pretending to be Greta Thunberg and 2020 has well and truly peaked for its satire. (Screen capture via Twitter)
In decades to come, there might be a chance that you tell future generations in front of the campfire in the ruins of our civilisation of the time top-tier twink Troye Sivan was catfished by Russian hackers pretending to be climate catastrophe activist Greta Thunberg.
Speaking in his home while in self-isolation amid the coronavirus pandemic Friday morning, Sivan described how his manager set-up the artist up with ‘Sharon’ – or Greta Thunberg, as she’s more commonly known.
But Sivan and his Scooby Doo-grade gang of sleuths quickly put together that he had actually been catfished by a “fake Greta Thunberg” that was orchestrated by “Russian hackers” that also duped British Prince Harry and Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and 2020 has officially hit its zenith, surely.
OK, maybe, actually check back here in about two hours. 2020 has a lot of times on its hands and it is actively out to shred whatever semblance of sanity and emotional stability we, the people of Earth, have left.
Troye Sivan pranked into thinking he and Greta Thunberg were going to save the planet.
Sivan tweeted at around 3am that he is “bored” and is going to tell his 9.3 million followers a story.
In the vlog, which sees a shirtless Sivan who, gay analysts say, has become more oppressively twinky since his rise to fame, address the camera.
He explained how Dani Russin, his manager, dialled him to say she had the “sickest opportunity of our entire careers, thus far”.
“You’ll never be able to guess who I had a phone call with,” she said. Sivan’s mind started to spin, his mind whirring as to who this mystery celeb could be.
“Not trying to brag, but I was DM’ing [former twink] Justin Bieber the day before about something else.
He continued: “I was ready to be gagged and gooped by, like, the biggest star in the world.”
‘Greta Thunberg’s’ to-do list included ‘going swimming with sharks with Leo DiCaprio.’
Russin said she had a phone call with Greta’s father, Svante. “Greta is a huge fan and is working on this thing called ‘Stars Save the Earth’.
“My immediate reaction was, OK, maybe something didn’t translate into English right, because that sounds kinda weird, we should workshop the name a little bit.”
Greta’s people sent Sivan and his manager her to-do list for some reason, which, Sivan said, “literally looked like Barack Obama’s to-do list.”
He continued: “‘Go swimming with sharks with Leo DiCaprio,’ ‘Save the animals in Africa with Prince Harry,’ like, all of this wild, wild s**t.
“I was like, oh my God, this girl is so inspiring and I’m like, now she wants to work with me? That’s crazy.”
Russin forwards Sivan Greta’s number, and he messaged her this on Whatsapp:
— troye (@troyesivan) March 27, 2020
‘So, how are you?’
But Russin later calls Troye Sivan to explain that she had a conversation with her Swedish boyfriend about the opportunity, during which, she mentioned to him that Svante spoke in broken English.
A claim which boyfriend Oscar flatly denied and showed her YouTube clips of the father talking and Russin realised that his voice is not the voice she heard on the phone.
The moment
— troye (@troyesivan) March 27, 2020
“I died laughing,” Sivan added, pairing his wry smile with an almost vacant look in his eyes, “to me, this was the most hysterical thing.”
Sivan complimented the scammer’s craft, “and the fact that my ego was big enough to to be like, ‘Yeah, Greta Thunberg just wants to chill, she’s a big fan, we’re gonna save the planet together, it’s gonna be f**king sick.’
“It completely mortified me.”
The plot thickened when “Greta” replied to Sivan and later followed-up saying: “So, how are you?”
💀💀💀💀💀💀💀— 👼🏼 (@troyesivan) March 27, 2020
But the plot thickened once again when reports surface that the exact same situation happened to Prince Harry and Bernie Sanders.
Anyway, the Oscar for best comedy well and truly goes to 2020. Bravo, now end already, please, we beg of you.